Going back to school after a long summer break can be difficult for children. Before the summer holidays are even halfway through, you will likely start seeing those ‘back to school’ commercials on the TV, on billboards, and pretty much everywhere you go.
For children, it’s not just about going back to school, but beginning a whole new school year, and the anticipation and anxiety that comes with it.
Get them in the mood by taking them for a fun shopping trip for all their back to school necessities like clothing, shoes, bags, and stationery. If this is also something they are dreading, add a trip to a cafe for a treat afterwards.
Keep them reading and writing during the summer holidays and make sure it’s something they enjoy. Many children enjoy reading books that have been turned into movies, which is then like a prize afterwards.
A week or so before school begins, make sure their routine is similar to a school one in terms of a sleep schedule and eating times. If they are still feeling stressed, let them have friends over and chat to them about it, as they will surely have the same feelings.